Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

It seems like it’s been raining for years! I kind of like the sound of it outside my window. It relaxes me. The dogs won’t go out though and I have to go out with some treats to bribe them outside. Oh well. I do find I am more creative when it’s raining. What does that mean, I wonder?

I have been having a problem with my beautiful background on my blog. Seems it can’t be seen on some other computers, which makes me sad because it’s so pretty and just my style.  I want to share it!

Well, let me know if you see a pretty turquoise wallpaper background with pink ribbon by sending me a comment, please, and if possible what size your monitor is. I’m going to fix it one way or another!

Here is some new items I will be listing in the Etsy shop. I have been a little slack lately with getting new items on there and I can see from my Google Analytics that it makes a difference. So I must get busy!

Remember to:  Say more, “I Love You’s”

1 comment:

  1. I can see your pretty turquiose background just fine, and I'm on internet explorer :)
