Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Family!


Just love these little family members who so graciously signed up to follow my blog! There’s my Auntie Glo, Uncle Les, Auntie Joyce, Auntie Jo, Cousin Leslie and Cousin Jane!

We’ll hear from more family soon!

Thanks to itkupillishop for the graphics!

Remember to:  Stay in touch! xxx

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

It seems like it’s been raining for years! I kind of like the sound of it outside my window. It relaxes me. The dogs won’t go out though and I have to go out with some treats to bribe them outside. Oh well. I do find I am more creative when it’s raining. What does that mean, I wonder?

I have been having a problem with my beautiful background on my blog. Seems it can’t be seen on some other computers, which makes me sad because it’s so pretty and just my style.  I want to share it!

Well, let me know if you see a pretty turquoise wallpaper background with pink ribbon by sending me a comment, please, and if possible what size your monitor is. I’m going to fix it one way or another!

Here is some new items I will be listing in the Etsy shop. I have been a little slack lately with getting new items on there and I can see from my Google Analytics that it makes a difference. So I must get busy!

Remember to:  Say more, “I Love You’s”

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Surprises and Sales!

A big thanks to my friend Megan for buying a whopping 8 pairs of earrings from me today!  (Here is a few of them. I hope her friends are not looking!) And, for her company last night at our friend, John's, surprise 30th birthday party. We had so much fun. Even though we raced to get there in time to not spoil the surprise at breakneck speed, John had already come home early so we ended up being the ones surprised! The surprises didn't end there, either. But we promised John we wouldn't embarrass him online so you'll just have to imagine!
He had admired my copper bracelet a while back so I made him a more manly looking version which I think he really liked. (I say "think" because by the time I gave it to him last night, he was happy, happy, happy!)
It's back to routines again tomorrow. I have enjoyed my time off even though I didn't get as much done as I wanted to. Hope you all have a great week!

Remember to:  Love your animals as unconditionally as they love you!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Season of Thanks (and clutter!)

I thought it appropriate that with my first blog I should mention how much I appreciate all the good things in my life, past, present, and still to come. It's not always easy to remember how wonderful the gift of life is on a daily basis, but with this wonderful season already upon us I wanted to make sure you know I am giving thanks!

That said, welcome to my blog. Today has been an experience in finding out how to blog, how to make my blog page attractive, how to link, how to draw interest, how to fix this darn layout and finally, to keep it short and sweet and to the subject! I have to give a big "shout out" thank you to Shabby Blogs for their inspiration, without whom I wouldn't have attempted to do this!

As you can see from the pictures, my work desk is definitely suffering from abandonment!

Look for more to come. I hope I can keep you interested.

Remember to:  DRINK MORE WATER!